欺诈 & 诈骗
Please be aware that FLCBank will never call you to request your personal information, 比如你的社会安全号码, 你的出生日期, 您的网上银行用户名和密码, 您的信用卡/借记卡号码, 或者信用卡/借记卡背面的三位数安全码.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the main agency that collects scam reports. 与联邦贸易委员会投诉助理在线报告你的骗局, 或致电1-877-382-4357(上午9:00至晚上8:00), ET).
参观 联邦贸易委员会消费者 Information site regularly to learn about recent scams and how to recognize the warning signs. 阅读美国联邦贸易委员会最近的警报或按主题浏览骗局.
联邦贸易委员会还收集有关身份盗窃的报告. 在IdentityTheft网站上报告身份盗窃.或致电1-877-438-4338(美国东部时间上午9:00至晚上8:00).
举报虚假网站、电子邮件、恶意软件和其他网络诈骗 互联网犯罪投诉中心(IC3). 一些网络诈骗开始于美国以外. 如果你是国际诈骗的受害者,请通过电话报告 econsumer.政府. Your report helps international consumer protection offices spot trends and prevent scams.
通知我们网上欺诈, 身份盗窃, 或涉及FLCBank或您的FLCBank帐户的骗局, 请打电话给 800.318.3159周一至周五上午9:00.m.— 5:00 p.m. (EST)或电邮至 cybersecurity@flcb.com. 请写上你的名字, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 并详细描述可能存在的欺诈或骗局.
支票欺诈仍然是影响商业的一个非常常见的阴谋. 骗子使用假支票, 被盗支票库存, 改变了检查, 伪造签名, 虚假代言, 以及其他针对企业客户的策略. 在某些情况下,欺诈者拦截邮寄的支票并更改收款人. FLCBank recommends not mailing large checks through regular postal services like USPS. 如果不能通过ACH或其他安全的借记交易付款, 然后邮寄纸质支票应该使用安全的, certified insured carrier such as FedEx or UPS to confirm delivery to the intended recipient. If a check hasn’t been cashed timely it’s best to call the intended recipient to confirm receipt and issue a stop payment if not received. 支票欺诈会造成现金流问题,从而损害你的皇冠正版APP下载, 繁重的调查, 甚至是未偿还的经济损失, 在某些情况下, 银行可能对这些事件不承担责任.
防止支票欺诈与我们的支票积极支付服务. 了解更多
We have received reports from customers that have received a text message about their account requesting personal information to verify the account or transaction. 这个链接是假的. Delete the text and please note FLCBank will also not call or text you to request personal information. 如果电话或短信听起来可疑,请不要回复.
使用FLCBank的名义进行欺诈 & 声誉
We have recently learned of a scam where a fraudster impersonates a FLCBank executive (for example, 约翰·阿伯特, 首席财务官), 社交媒体(e).g., Facebook)信息或短信, informing the intended victim that they need assistance with moving a sum of money from a foreign 银行 account. 在交易发生之前, 模仿者将要求某种类型的“预付款”, 受害人的损失是在哪里发生的. 如果你收到一封电子邮件, 这种类型的短信或社交媒体信息, 我们强烈建议您删除该消息. You may verify the authenticity of any message from FLCBank by contacting us at cybersecurity@flcb.com.
The evolution of the internet has brought with it a number of extremely convenient advances in the way we shop, 银行, 并与我们周围的世界互动. 同时, that evolution has also given way to new risks—new avenues for criminals to create 网站 that are either fake, 欺骗或欺骗不知情的人.
Imposter 网站 are designed to appear legitimate and even mimic/clone the brand look of a business. 克隆页面将使用相同的图像, 内容和页面导航的皇冠正版APP下载,但标志, 登录屏幕, 正规买球APP下载方式和URL已更改. The website actually serves as a vehicle to compromise users’ personally identifiable information or login credentials for the purpose of effecting financial fraud.
当你上网时,对你的个人信息要吝啬. 当一个网站要求你提供个人信息时, 要知道你输入的数据可能会落入坏人之手. 一个网站可能看起来像真正的交易, but many are fronts for criminals waiting to steal your money and personal information.
在选择与一家公司合作之前,先研究一下它. Enter the company name and the word ‘complaints’ into an online search engine to see what comes up. And take the time to ask a company for the details on state or 政府ernment licenses. If a company can’t provide the information or if you can’t find the details searching 政府ernment agency sites, 这可能是一个危险信号.
直到今天, scammers are viewing the coronavirus (COVID-19) as an opportunity to capitalize on people’s fears and vulnerabilities. 没有理由恐慌, 但你应该保持警惕,采取适当的措施,如果不是额外的, 预防措施,以确保您和您的财务保持安全.
记住:永远不要提供你的社会安全号码之类的信息, 银行账号, PayPal账户信息, 或者其他任何可能危及你个人信息的东西.
我们理解人们可能希望支持当地企业和个人, 然而, verifying the legitimacy of organizations and individuals to protect your personal information and accounts is important. 骗子冒充慈善机构以受害者为目标, 医学专家, 卫生当局.
- 治疗诈骗: Scammers are offering fake cures, vaccines, and advice on unproven treatments for COVID-19.
- 供应诈骗: 骗子正在开设假商店, 网站, 社交媒体账户, 以及声称出售目前需求量很大的医疗用品的电子邮件地址, 比如医用口罩. 当消费者试图通过这些渠道购买用品时, 骗子把钱装进自己的口袋,却从不提供承诺的物资.
- 提供者诈骗: 骗子通过电话和电子邮件与人们正规买球APP下载, pretending to be doctors and hospital staff who have treated a friend or relative for COVID-19. 然后他们要求支付治疗费用.
- 慈善诈骗: Scammers are soliciting donations for individuals, groups, and areas affected by COVID-19.
- 网络钓鱼诈骗: 骗子冒充国家和全球卫生当局, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are sending phishing emails to trick recipients into downloading malware or providing personal identifying and financial information.
- 应用诈骗: Scammers are creating and manipulating mobile apps designed to track the spread of COVID-19 to insert malware that will compromise users’ devices and personal information.
- 投资诈骗: 骗子在各种平台上提供在线促销, 包括社交媒体, claiming that the products or services of publicly traded companies can prevent, detect or cure COVID-19 and that the stock of these companies will dramatically increase in value as a result. 这些促销活动通常以“研究报告”的形式出现,对特定的“目标价格”进行预测,” and relate to microcap stocks or low-priced stocks issued by the smallest of companies with limited publicly available information.
因为在未来几周和几个月内可能会出现类似的骗局, 记住要注意保护你自己和你的财务. 请把这些建议分享给你家里的每个人,不管他们的年龄, 尤其是家里的老人, 因为他们似乎更经常成为攻击目标.
Other resources to 了解更多 about 在线 安全, Identity Theft, and 诈骗 & 欺诈行为
访问美国.S. 政府服务及资讯网站 了解更多.